Billions of yen
FY2022 Actual FY2023 Actual FY2024 Forecast Change
Amount %
Revenue 100.0% 2,859.0 100.0% 2,960.9 100.0% 3,150.0 189.1 6.4%
Operating Income 9.6% 273.1 9.3% 276.7 10.0% 315.0 38.3 13.8%
Income Before Income Taxes 9.9% 282.2 10.7% 317.3 10.3% 325.0 7.7 2.4%
Net Income Attributable to
7.7% 219.4 8.2% 243.5 7.9% 250.0 6.5 2.7%
Net Income Attributable to
FUJIFILM Holdings per Share
¥182.40 ¥202.29 ¥207.50 +¥5.21
Cash Dividends per Share ¥43 ¥50 ¥60 ¥10
Exchange Rates: US$ ¥136 ¥145 ¥152 ¥7
Euro ¥141 ¥157 ¥164 ¥7

A one-for-three split of its common stocks were carried out on April 1, 2024. Previous years’ financial data is presented with values converted after the stock split.

Consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.