Billions of yen
FY2021 Actual FY2022 Actual FY2023 Forecast Change
Amount %
Revenue 100.0% 2,525.8 100.0% 2,859.0 100.0% 2,960.0 101.0 3.5%
Operating Income 9.1% 229.7 9.6% 273.1 9.4% 277.0 3.9 1.4%
Income Before Income Taxes 10.3% 260.4 9.9% 282.2 10.5% 310.0 27.8 9.9%
Net Income Attributable to
8.4% 211.2 7.7% 219.4 8.1% 240.0 20.6 9.4%
Net Income Attributable to
FUJIFILM Holdings per Share
¥527.33 ¥547.21 ¥597.99 ¥50.78
Cash Dividends per Share ¥110 ¥130 ¥150 ¥20
Exchange Rates: US$ ¥113 ¥136 ¥145 ¥9
Euro ¥131 ¥141 ¥157 ¥16

Consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.