FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) proactively disseminates corporate information such as its management strategy and financial position to promote dialogue with shareholders and other investors in line with the principles embodied in the Fujifilm Group Charter for Good Corporate Behavior. In doing so, the Company gives due consideration to the timeliness, fairness, accuracy and continuity of disclosure. The Company's goals in disclosing corporate information are to enhance management transparency as well as to earn the trust of, and receive a proper evaluation from, shareholders and other investors.
The Company conducts disclosure activities based on, and in conformity with, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and all other applicable laws and regulations (hereinafter “laws and regulations”) as well as rules concerning timely disclosure of corporate information by issuers of listed securities (hereinafter “Timely Disclosure Rules”), as stipulated by the stock exchanges on which the Company's shares are listed. The Company also actively discloses information that it believes to be useful in fostering a deeper understanding of the Company or that it believes could have an influence on the investment decisions of shareholders and other investors, even where disclosure standards specified by the laws and regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules do not apply.
Information to which the disclosure standards specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules are applicable, and information that the Company believes could have an influence on the investment decisions of shareholders and other investors, Fujifilm complies with the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)'s timely disclosure standards by disclosing information through the TSE's TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) system as well as by quickly posting information on its IR website, so as to widely disseminate information. Regarding other information, where the Company deems it to be useful in fostering an understanding of the Company, the Company actively discloses information through the publication of an integrated report and other published IR materials as well as through the distribution of press releases and postings on its IR website.
The Company has stipulated a quiet period beginning from the day after the end of each quarter through to the announcement of operating results for that quarter to prevent the leakage of earnings information and thus ensure fairness. During this quiet period, the Company refrains from answering questions or making other comments pertaining to its earnings results.
The Company's policy is not to comment on or support the distribution of various information originating from third-party sources, such as evaluations and earnings forecasts relating to the Company. However, the Company does disseminate information to correct errors or convey accurate information where it adjudges third-party communications to contain clear errors that have a significant impact on the capital markets.
Forward-looking statements such as those relating to earnings forecasts and other projections contained in disclosed information are management's current assumptions and beliefs based on information available at the time. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from those projected due to various factors. Please refer to the “Business-Related and Other Risks” section for more detailed information on this subject. Furthermore, disclosed information is provided for the express purpose of fostering a deeper understanding of the Company, not for the purpose of soliciting investment. Investment decisions are made at the discretion of, and are the responsibility of, the user of the information contained herein.