統合報告書2019(和文)全文ダウンロード・A4版 (11,215KB)
統合報告書2019(和文)全文ダウンロード・A3見開き版 (10,880KB)
富士フイルムグループを知る (3,770KB)
マネジメントメッセージ (1,334KB)
- 富士フイルムグループの価値創造
・価値創造のための戦略 (2,031KB)
・経済的価値 (1,717KB)
特集1 次世代AI技術で実現する未来
・社会的価値 (3,157KB)
特集2 グループシナジーで持続可能な調達を推進
・コーポレートガバナンス (1,627KB)
特集3 社外取締役インタビュー
財務情報/非財務情報 (1,984KB)
会社情報 (1,331KB)
■Fujifilm Group's Purpose (2,722KB)
・The Fujifilm Group's Commitment
・Editorial Policy / Reporting Universe
・The Fujifilm Group's Future Vision
■Chapter 01: Management’s Message (3,002KB)
・CEO Message
・Realizing Our Group Purpose, ”Giving our world more smiles"
・CFO Message
・Overview of Our Businesses
・Global Network
・Evolution of Innovation
・Products that laid the foundation for innovation
・Proprietary Technologies Underlying Innovation
・Value Creation Process
・Frameworks to Continue to Generate Innovation
and Sources of Value
■Chapter 03:Roadmap to SVP2030 (1,500KB)
・Basic Policy for Sustainability
・Meeting Stakeholders’ Expectations
・SVP2030: Priority Issues (Materiality)
・Medium- to Long-Term Risks/Opportunities and
・Review of Past Medium-Term Management Plans
・Policies of the New Medium-Term Management
Plan “VISION2030”
・VISION2030 Performance Targets
・Strategies by Business Segment
・Vision of Bio CDMO Business
・History of Bio CDMO Business and R&D Structure
・Business Strengths
・Messages from the Members of
FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies
・R&D Strategy
・DX Strategy
・Intellectual Property Strategy
・Human Resources Strategy
・Human Rights Initiatives
・Responsible Supply Chain Management
・Environmental Initiatives
■Chapter 07:Governance (4,472KB)
・Discussion on Governance
・Messages from Newly Appointed Outside Directors
・Corporate Governance
・Management Structure
■Chapter 08: Data Section (1,377KB)
・Financial Analysis and Review
・Consolidated Financial Statements, etc.
・11-Year Financial Summary
・Non-Financial Data for Past 5 Years
・Appraisals and Awards
・Corporate Overview
・Independent Assurance/
Assurance by the Officer in Charge
Disclaimer: The contents of Annual Reports (from FY2011/3 to FY2016/3) do not reflect the restatements publicly announced in July 2017. As a result, because these Annual Reports therefore contain inappropriate information to be used for investment decision, please do not rely on this information if you actually intended to trade stock. FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation assumes no responsibility for problems resulting from or in connection with use of the information.